bienvenidos a rafilloblog
que lo paseis bien

miércoles, 5 de noviembre de 2008


Hacksaw:a hacksaw is a fine-tooth saw with a blade under tension in a frame,used to cutting materials such as metal or bone

Handsaw:used to cut pieces of wood into different shapes,Handsaw,also know as panel saws

Pliers:are hand tools,designed primarily for gripping objets by usig leverage.

Clamp:is a fastening device to hold or secure objets tightly together to prevent movement or separation through the application of inward pressure.

Rasp:is a woodworking tool used for shaping wood.

2 comentarios:

Annnng dijo...

jajaja pedazo de ecuesta!
rafa me encatasss jajaaj
un beso grande
nunca cambies por favor!!

tecnohuelin dijo...

¿Dónde están el resto de herramientas, hasta 20?